
조선왕조의 재판제도와 현행제도의 비교-영문요약

페이지 정보

작성자 김재문 작성일13-06-24 09:48 조회4,109회 댓글0건


조선왕조의 재판제도와 현행 제도와의 비교 

결과 요약.                   

                          <영  문>

The code of legal procedure of Choson Dynasty and the theory and mind(though) is
In purpose to do so that there may not be chagin and unjust charge judge  through  evidence.
During the Choson Dynasty,ideal politic or good Lawyer system was that the prison is empty.
Therefore,like lawer named Oejibu  to earn money help to  one's judgement
or win the judge make false document, such a man was punished  in principle.
And judicial officer ought to judge only  by law ,
In principle, although the king could not interfere or  threat like tht end of hair .
So, that judicial officer's qualification is required  personality and morality that attribute not influenced power and money.
But,nowday in  Korean , became the judicial officer or  a lawyer.dont required above personality and morality , only required legal knowledge is good lawer.
So that point is must improve like the Choson Dynasty.


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