
지난 주 특강을 해주신 조지워신턴 대학의 Michael K. Young교수님의 약력등

페이지 정보

작성자 김재문 작성일13-06-23 21:28 조회16,300회 댓글0건


지난주 목요일 저의 경주캠퍼스 법학과에 오셔서 특강을 해주신 미국의 조지 워신턴 대학의 법대 학장이신 마이클 K 영(Michael K. Young)교수님에 대한 약력등과 동 대학의 홈페이지 주소를 소개합니다.

앞으로 여러분들 중에 관심이 많은 분들은 교수님께 메일도 보내고 질문도 보내어서 여러분들에게 많은 발전이 있기를 기대함니다.

조지 워신턴 대학 법대 홈페이지 주소

법대 학장이신 마이클 K  영 교수님의 약력등...

Michael K. Young
Dean and Lobingier Professor of Comparative Law and Jurisprudence

Email: myoung@law.gwu.edu
Telephone: (202) 994-6288
Fax: (202) 994-5157
Mailing address

Education: B.A., Brigham Young University; J.D., Harvard University

Biographical sketch: Dean Young joined the Law School in the summer of 1998. He currently serves as chair of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom. He is a member of the Committee on International Judicial Relations of the Judicial Conference of the United States, a fellow of the American Bar Foundation, and was recently appointed to the Trade and Environment Policy Advisory Commission to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative. In addition, he has served as a member of the Board of Visitors of the U.S. Air Force Academy. Dean Young was recently appointed by Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist to the Brown v. Board of Education 50th Anniversary Commission. Before coming to GW, Dean Young was the Fuyo Professor of Japanese Law and Legal Institutions at Columbia University, where he also served as director of the Center for Japanese Legal Studies, the Center for Korean Legal Studies, and the Project on Religion, Rights and Religious Freedom. He has been a visiting professor and scholar at the law faculties of the University of Tokyo, Waseda University, and Nihon University, and has been a Japan Foundation Fellow. Before beginning his teaching career, Dean Young served as a law clerk to Justice Rehnquist and to Justice Benjamin Kaplan of the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts. During the administration of President George Bush, he served as ambassador for trade and environmental affairs, deputy under secretary of state for economic and agricultural affairs, and deputy legal adviser to the U.S. Department of State. In 1996, he also served as counsel to the Select Subcommittee on Transfers of Iranian Arms to Bosnian Muslims of the U.S. House of Representatives. Dean Young has published extensively, including articles and books on the Japanese legal system, dispute resolution, mergers and acquisitions, labor relations, the legal profession, comparative law, industrial policy, international trade law, legal reform in Eastern Europe, NAFTA, GATT, international environmental law, and international human rights and freedom of religion. His latest books are The Fundamentals of U.S. Trade Law (2002) and Japanese Law in Context: Readings in Society, The Economy, and Politics (2001) (with C. Milhaupt and M. Ramseyer).

Areas of expertise
Current semester courses:
- Intro to Chinese &Japanese Law


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